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Open Access
RFP Gastroenterology International
Dr. Vinay H. G., Bangalore
Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

All practicing clinicians interested in gastroenterology, hepatology or endoscopy, especially gastroenterologists, internists, general surgeons, colon and rectal surgeons, radiologists, hematologists, endoscopists and hepatologists.

Volume 8 Number 2 (July - December), 2023
December 05, 2023

The RFP Gastroenterology International (GI) is published by Red Flower Publications is dedicated to publishing timely medical research in gastroenterology and hepatology. GI provides practical and professional support to medical professionals dealing with gastroenterological diseases most commonly seen in patients. Regular features include articles from major authorities and reports on the latest treatments for diseases. The original research is organized by the content of clinical and basic translation and by the content of the digestive tract, liver, pancreas and biliary tract.

RFP Gastroenterology International is a peer-reviewed and refereed journal.

RFP Indian Journal of Hospital Infection
Dr. Ramendra Pati Pandey, Sao Paulo
Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

Infection control professionals, including physicians, nurses, and epidemiologists.

Volume 6 Number 1 (Jan-June), 2024
April 22, 2023

The RFP Indian Journal of Hospital Infection publishes scientifically governing, clinically applicable and peer-reviewed research on control and assessment of pathogen transmission in health institutions and the use of epidemiological principles and methods to assess and improve care. The main topics covered include infection control practices, surveillance, cost-benefit analysis, resource use, occupational health and regulatory issues. IJHI is the leading source of infection control, epidemiology, infectious diseases, quality management, occupational health and disease prevention. The journal’s aim is to publish high-quality research and information on infection prevention and control for international audiences.

RFP Indian Journal of Medical Psychiatry
Dr. Hemendra Singh, MD, Bangalore
Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

Psychiatrics, neurologists and other involve in mental health care.

Volume 7 Number 1 ( January – June ), 2024
August 23, 2024

The Indian Journal of Medical Psychiatry (IJMP) is offering an international platform for rapid and comprehensive scientific communication on mental health across cultural backgrounds. The journal helps its readers improve their knowledge base for diagnosis, forecasting, and treatment of mental illness. The IJMP aims to help integrate basic science, clinical research and practical application of research findings.

The RFP India Journal of Medical Psychiatry is a peer-reviewed journal.

RFP Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Dr. Sanjay Swami, Mumbai
RFPPL own Journal

Biochemists, Biophysicists, pathologists, microbiologists and geneticists

Volume 9 Number 1 (Jan-June), 2024
December 05, 2023

The RFP Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (JBB) gives researchers and scientists the opportunity to explore the latest advances in biochemistry and biophysics research. Submitted papers on the contemporary topics and methods of biochemistry and biophysics are an important feature of the journal.

The RFP Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics is a peer reviewed and refereed journal.

RFP Journal of Dermatology
Dr. Sidharth Sonthalia, MD, Gurgaon
Red Flower Publications
Entire dermatologic community.
Volume 9 Number 1 (January–June ), 2024
November 23, 2023

RFP Journal of Dermatology (JD) (e-ISSN: 2456-5458) (Formerly 'Dermatology International) was created to meet the needs of the entire dermatological community in clinical and continuing education. The original and peer-reviewed articles cover clinical research, treatment, new diagnostic technology, and other topics related to skin diseases. The journal's articles include: skin biology, clinical and laboratory studies, contact dermatitis & allergies, skin surgery & lasers, skin pathology, epidemiology & health services research, pediatric dermatology, photobiology, and therapeutics.

RFP Journal of ENT and Allied Sciences
Dr. Saurabh Varshney, MS, Rishikesh
Red Flower Publications own journal

Otologists, neurotologists, audiologists, rhinologists, allergolosits, laryngologists, speech scientists, bronchoesophagologists

Volume 8 Number 1 (January – June ), 2023
December 05, 2023

The RFP Journal of ENT and Allied Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles, reviews and clinical studies in all fields of otolaryngology. The journal also includes developments in otology, neurology, audiology, rhinology, allergies, laryngology, linguistics, bronchoesophageal surgery, facial plastic surgery, and head and neck surgery.

RFP Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Nursing
Dr. Surabhi Verma, Greater Noida
Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

Gerontologists, Geriatric Nurses and family physicians.

Volume 7 Number 1 (January – June ), 2024
December 05, 2023

The RFP Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Nursing (JGGN) is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that welcomes new research papers on all aspects of aging. It focuses on the health care of the elderly and is aimed at promoting health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities of the older adults. This journal encompasses a wide range of field of research to create a platform for authors to contribute to the journal.

RFP Journal of Hospital Administration
Dr. Abhishek Yadav, MD, New Delhi
Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

Health policy makers, Healthcare administrators, Economists and Public health agents.

Volume 8 Number 1 (January – June ), 2024
November 23, 2023

The RFP Journal of Hospital Administration is dedicated to publishing research papers on clinical and research management in all areas of hospital administration and distributed worldwide. To facilitate quick publication and reduce administrative costs, the IJHA accepts online submissions and e-mail submissions. It uses a double blind system for peer reviews; both the author and the reviewer's identities remain anonymous. The aim is to promote hospital reform and improve the level of hospital management. The journal contains papers including, but not limited to, health economy, health policy, health services, clinical ethics, clinical risks, management of health facilities, health data management, health information, management of nurses, management of clinical departments, management of outpatients, management of inpatients, health insurance, hospital accreditation and public health.

The RFP Journal of Hospital Administration is a peer-reviewed and refereed journal.