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New Indian Journal of Surgery
Dr. Rohan Khandelwal, Gurugram
Red Flower Publications own journal

Physicians, researchers, faculties, surgeons and anesthesiologists

Volume 15 Number 2 ( April - June ), 2024
December 05, 2023

The New Indian Journal of Surgery (NIJS) is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at general surgeons performing abdominal, cancer, vascular, cervical, breast, colorectal and other forms of surgery. The NIJS provides the most up-to-date and authoritative information on major clinical problems in clinical and experimental surgery, surgical education, surgical care and related areas. In addition, the New Indian Journal of Surgery publishes original articles that make significant contributions to clinical surgery, experimental surgery, surgical education and related sciences. NIJS is not only of interest to general surgeons, but also to surgeons of specialties and those in related fields.