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Pediatrics Education and Research
Dr. Pravakar Mishra, MD, Cuttack
Red Flower Publications own journal

Readership for The Pediatric Education and Research includes pediatricians, researchers, pediatric investigators, and all those who diagnose and treat infants, children, and adolescents.

Volume 11 Number 3 (September – December), 2023
August 23, 2023

Pediatric Education and Research (PER) is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal. The journal publishes original research, clinical observations and special features articles in the field of pediatrics as defined in general. Contributions related to pediatrics are also included in related fields such as nutrition, surgery, dentistry, public health, child health services, genetics, basic sciences, psychology, and nursing.

The readers of Pediatric Education and Research include pediatricians, researchers, pediatric researchers and all those who diagnose and treat infants, children and adolescents.

Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Journal
Prof. (Dr.) Niraj Kumar, Ph.D., Dehradun
Red Flower Publications own journal

Physiotherapist, Occupational therapists, medical engineers, epidemiologists, family physicians, occupational health nurses

Volume 16 Number 4 (October - December), 2023
August 23, 2023

The Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy on the subject of physical therapy and rehabilitation Topics include geriatric treatment, pain management, cardiac rehabilitation, surgical rehabilitation and lung rehabilitation, working with patients of stroke and occupational therapy. The content includes research papers, treatment notes and clinical observations, case histories, professional opinions and memoirs and comments on professional issues. The mission of the journal is to publish important research with an important impact on physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

The Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy is a peer-reviewed and referred journal.