International Journal of Food, Nutrition & Dietetics
9, Issue 3, September – December 2021, Pages 117-124
Review Article
Quercetin: A Versatile Flavonoid Antioxidant
A S Desai1, A S Mohite2, D I Pathan3, S T Sharangdher4, J M Koli5, Charles S Brennan6, Margaret A Brennan7, S S Sawant8, V V V Vishwasrao9
1,8,9Assistant Professor, 2,3,5,6,7, 4Associate Professor, 1-5 & 8,9Department of Fish Processing Technology & Microbiology, College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli 415712, Maharashtra, India., 6-7Department of Food Science, School of Science, STEM College, RMIT University, Australia.
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Quercetin which belongs to the class flavonols, one of the five subclass of flavonoid compounds. Flavonoid observed in vegetables, fruits, tea, and wine. Quercetin is ubiquitously present in foods such as onions, berries, nuts, tea, cauliflower, and cabbage. Flavonoids occur in foods primarily as glycosides or aglyconesform which breaks down to various extents in thedigestive column. Quercetin is usually found in the in the glycoside form. Quercetin act as a potent antioxidant molecule and may exerts beneficial effects on its free radical scavenging function which prevent the formation of stabilized phenoxyl radicals. Quercetin plays important role in improvement of cancer disease, heart-related disease, diabetes, asthma and allergy and much more. Quercetin metabolism occurred in the small intestine, the kidney and the liver which sufficiently reduce plasma oxidant status. Quercetin and its compound based on the flavan nucleus and positions, numbers and type of substitutions affect radical scavenging activity. Keyword: Aglyconesform; Quercetin; Antioxidant.
Corresponding Author : A S Desai , Assistant Professor, Department of Fish Processing Technology & Microbiology, College of Fisheries, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli 415712, Maharashtra, India.