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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  12, Issue 4, Oct-Dec 2019, Pages 159-162

Case Report

Management of Post-operative Wound of Parikartika (Chronic Fissure in Ano) by Seethodaka Thaila Pichu Followed By Dorsal Sphincterotomy: A Single Case Report

PG Tilak Prasantha Kumara1, TS Dudhamal2, Joyal Patel3

1PhD Scholar 1st Year, 2Associate Professor & I/C HOD, 3Assistant Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat 361008. India.

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Introduction: Anal fissure is second most common disease in Anorectal disorders, because of its anatomical condition. Posterior wall of ano rectal junction is relatively poorly supported by musculature on this aspect. Posterior rectal wall forms acute angle with the posterior anal canal. Fissure occurs over stretching of the epithelial lining of anal canal by the pressure of hard faecal matter, which commonly present at sites 12 & 6 o’clock and do not cross dentate line. Modern surgical techniques like manual anal dilatation, was advocated for that. But they permanently weaken the internal sphincter in associated with the risk of incontinence. Hence the proper and effective therapy is required for the treatment of Chronic anal fissure which is simple, safe and effective, without any complication, avoidance of incontinence of stool and recurrence at end of therapy. Material and Methods: One patient of chronic fissure in ano was selected. After chedana (surgical excision) of sentinel tag and sphincterotomy was done and then Seethodaka Thaila pichu was applied daily for 4 weeks. Results: Post operative fissure wound healed fast within 4 weeks of time duration. The patient got complete relief in signs and symptoms after four weeks. Follow up was done for two months and no recurrence of fissure was noted. Discussion and Conclusion: Seethodaka thaila, a Sri Lankan traditional medicated oil widely used for treatment of aseptic wounds, burns and post surgical wounds in Ayurveda was standardized according to rules and regulation of Ayurveda Pharmacopeia in Sri Lanka.

Keywords: Fissure in Ano; Parikartika; Seethodaka Thaila.

Corresponding Author : TS Dudhamal