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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  12, Issue 4, Oct-Dec 2019, Pages 153-157

Review Article

Herb-Drug Interactions: A Systematic Review

Ravikiran B1, Sandhya DS2, Harish Babu H3

1HOD & Professor, 2Professor, 3Reader, Department of Agda Tantra Evam Vidhi Vaidyka, Sushrutha Ayurvedic Medical College And Hospital, Prashanti Kuteerem, Jodi Bingipura, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560106, India.

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Currently world is looking towards alternative medicine or traditional Practices which are practiced widely for lifestyle disorders or for palliative care. Publicity and Marketing of Systems of traditional practices has been increased since a decade. Each System of Medicine is scientifically evident and is practiced either alone or along with Allopathy medications either on advise or by self-believing that medicines of alternate System are safe and can be taken along with modern medications. Here is a Systematic review on herbs which are used widely in traditional practices and their potential actions along with their possible interactions with drugs or pathways.

Keywords: Herb-Drug Interactions; Traditional medicine; Adverse effects.

Corresponding Author : Ravikiran B