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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  2, Issue 3, July - September 2009, Pages 157-163

Original Article

A Clinical Study on Senile Virginities and its Management with Yoni Avagaha and Shatavari Churna

Kamayani Shukla, Kaumadi Karunagoda, Dayani Sriwardhene, L.P.Dei, M. A. Pandya

* Scholar, Final Year, Dept. of Streeroga & Prasutitantra, I.P.G.T. & R.A., Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar **Lecturer, Dept. of Kaumarbhritya & Prassutitantra, IIM, Uni. Of Colombo, Sri Lanka and Scholar, Final Year, Dept. of Streeroga & Prasut

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Senile vaginitis is one of the commonest gyaecological problems among the ageing women in developing countries. According to a survey study carried out in dept. of Kaumarbhritya & Prasutitantra, IIM, University of Colombo, its prevalence was found 33% in women from age group of 55 to 75 years. Oestrogen deficiency is considered as the main cause behind this, but oestrogen produces several complications when it is used to treat the problem in this age group. The aim of the study was to compare the effect of oral Shatavari Churna on senile vaginitis when it is used along with the Yoni Avagaha with the decoction of barks of Ashwattha , Nyagrodha, Udumbara and Nimba ( in group B) over the Yoni Avagaha alone with same drugs (group A). Highly significant relief was found in both the groups with 86.66% in group A and 89.74% in group B. In addition, Shatavari treated group showed encouraging results in the associated symptoms like dyspareunia, dryness of vagina and backache. Recurrence during the follow up period of 3 months was found 47.05% in group A and 08.82% in group B. It was concluded that Yoni Avagaha works significantly to remove senile vaginitis but recurrence can be reduced more significantly, if oral Shatavari is added because it helps to rejuvenate the vaginal epithelium by its phytoestrogen containing property.

KEY WORDS: Senile vaginitis, Shatavari, Yoni Avagaha

Corresponding Author : Kamayani Shukla