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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  16, Issue 3, July-September 2023, Pages 109-119

Original Article

Clinical Study in the Management of Essential Hypertension with Pranayam, Suryanamaskar and Shavasana

Ankur Singhal1, Komal Gupta2, Sunil A. Bhaskare3

1Professor, Departemnt of Kayachikitsa, 2Assistant Professor, Department of Swasthavritta, GS Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Pilkhuwa, Hapur 245304, Uttar Pradesh, India. 3Associate Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, R.A. Podar Ayurved Medical College, Mumbai 400018, Maharashtra, India.

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High Blood pressure is considered as the third most important risk factor disease burden in south Asia and WHO rates HTN as one of the most important cause for premature death world wide.1
The modern life style, stress, smoking, and alcohol etc. which interfere with homeostatic mechanism and circadian rhythmic patterns, thus manifests its ill effects.
The regimen of modern medicine is effective to essential hypertension, but it having trouble some side effects also. In modern medicine sedative, hypnotic and anxiolytic drugs are also been used, to counteract the psychological factors (Manasika Bhavas). These drugs may lead to side effects like drowsiness, impaired motor function, forget fulness and sometimes, suicidal tendency may also be developed. But Ayurved line of treatment is safe and as effective as modern treatment without any major side effects.
The ill effects of faulty regimens of Triupastambh2, Asatmendriyarth sanyoga, Pragnyapradha and Prinama3 etc., influence the Rajo-doshain Manas, thus directly brings out the dosha vitiation so as it cause the ailment. Thus deviating from dinacharya, ritucharya, in an extreme competitive life, directly predisposes hypertension.
Hence, the study entitled “Clinical study in the management of essential hypertension with Pranayam, Suryanamaskar and Shavasana” was under taken. Study was carried out in two groups, Sarpagandhaghan Vati4 as the control group and Yoga modalities as trial group.
In this study of 6 weeks, Yoga modalities proved to be the effective non pharmacological treatment in long term use in the management of essential hypertension.

Keywords : Pranayam; Suryanamaskar; Shavasana; Sarpagandha ghan Vati; Essential Hypertension; Yoga; Ayurveda.
Corresponding Author : Komal Gupta