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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  12, Issue 4, Oct-Dec 2019, Pages 141-144

Review Article

Yoga for Holistic Health

Chetan Nimbalkar1, Ravichandra Menthe2, Mahadev P Mangane3, Sonali P4, Pragati5, Praveen Simpi6

1Assistant Professor, Department of Kriya Shareera, 2Assistant Professor, Department of Agada Tantra, 3Assistant Professor, Department of Kaumarbhritya, 4Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, 5UG Final Year, 6Reader, Department of Rasasasthra and Bhaisajya Kalpana NK Jabshetty Ayurvedic Medical College, Rampure Colony, Gumpa, Bidar, Karnataka 585403, India.

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Mankind has been concerned about their health, protection from evils of diseases and suffering since the dawn of civilization. Since then they started to practice yoga which cures various health disorders and brings peace to the mind. Here an attempt has been made to collect available data related to yoga with respect to holistic health.

Keywords: Yoga; Holistic health; Mind.

Corresponding Author : Mahadev P Mangane