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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  5, Issue 4, October - December 2012, Pages 201-207

Review Article

A Clinical Study to Assess the Role of Rasnadi Guggulu and Kati Basti in the Management of Gridhrasi (Sciatica)

Surjeet Kumar Jaiswal, Rekha Rani, U.S.Singh

*Lecturer, Dept. of Panchakarma, Gurunanak Ayurvedic College, Gopalpur, Ludhiana, **Medical Officer, Rajkiya Ayurveda Chikitsalaya, AchchaiRaeberelly (U.P.), ***Ex. R.O. I/C- CRI (Ayurveda), Lucknow (U.P.).

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Pain around lumbosacral region is the most common problem in these days. It may be due adaptation of western life style. A majority of population are suffering from this common ailment. Pain starting from gluteal region and spreading down the back of the lower limb and radiating up to the foot, is the main symptom of Gridhrasi. Sakthiutkshepanigraha is mentioned as a cardinal sign by acharya Sushruta & Maharshi Vagbhata. Gridhrasi is described under Nanatmaja Vyadhi in Ayurveda texts. The entire study was conducted in three groups of 45 patients. Group-A patients were treated with  Rasnadi Guggulu as a Shamana Chikitsa, group-B patients were treated with Katibasti as a Panchakarma Chikitsa while Group-C patients were treated with both therapy i.e. Rasnadi Guggulu as a Shamana Chikitsa and Kati-Basti as a Panchakarma Chikitsa for a period of 21 days. The trial groups have clearly shown the effectiveness in symptomatic & radiological findings of the disease. The sign & symptoms of Gridhrasi can be compared with Sciatica in modern medical science. In this era, Auyrvedic authors correlate Gridhrasi with Sciatica.


Keywords: Gridhrasi; Sciatica; Rasnadi Guggulu; Dashmool taila Katibasti; Panchakarma. 

Corresponding Author : Surjeet Kumar Jaiswal