Abstract The concept of Health related quality of life (HROQL) is important consideration in modern era and skin diseases have an definitive impact on HROQL amongst which psoriasis being an common, chronic, mamy times disfiguring and frustrating has very much negative impact on quality of life. This study was conducted keeping the same view which included the assessment of impact of pruritus on QOL with patients of chronic plaque psoriasis to introduce timely psychological support to improve QOL. Three parameters with specifies and well documented evidence were used to assess the psoriasis severity, the degree of itch and QOL and these were Psoriasis area severity index, 5D ithch scale and DQLI repectively. It was found that pruritus severity has a significant and clinically important association with poorer HRQL in patients with CPP as measured by the DLQI. We also observed that pruritus is associated with determinants to emotional well-being as measured by the DLQI and with detrmnants to other realms of mental health, including social functioning. Study Design: Prospective Study.
Keywords: Pruritus; Chronic; Plaque Psoriasis.