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Accepted Articles : RFP Journal of Dermatology

Publishing your article: All these articles are accepted for publication in the respective journals and acceptance letters have been forwarded to all concerned authors. If you have not received acceptance letter yet; please contact us if you feel necessary.

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Application of telemedicine in wound management and follow-up after discharging of patients from hospital
1. Karthikeyan,2. Ravi Kumar Chittoria,3. Jacob Antony Chakiath,4. Kanav Gupta
Received On May 06 2024. Accepted On Jun 29 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Management of Perineal Scald Burn in a Tertiary care hospital- Our experience
Walunj Sachin Dnyaneshwar, Ravi Kumar Chittoria, Barath Kumar Singh P
Received On Sep 21 2023. Accepted On Nov 01 2023
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Role of Aloe-Vera in Scar management in Electric Burns
1. Kanav Gupta,2. Ravi Kumar Chittoria,3. Padmalakshmi Bharathi Mohan,4. Jacob Antony Chakiath
Received On May 18 2024. Accepted On Jun 29 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Role of Topical Feracrylum in Management of Second-Degree Scald Burns
Nivetha,Ravi Kumar Chittoria,Bharath Prakash
Received On Aug 14 2023. Accepted On Oct 04 2023
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).