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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  11, Issue 1, Jan-Mar 2018, Pages 5-9

Original Article

A Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Punarnavadi Anjana and Guduchyadi Anjana in the Management of Prathama Patalagata Timira w.s.r to Simple Myopia

Vijaykumar S. Kotrannavar*, Ashwini B. Koshetty**

*Dean for P.G. Studies & Professor in PG department of Rasashastra & BK, Shri J.G.C.H.S. Ayurvedic Medical College, Ghataprabha, Dist-Belgaum, Karnataka 591321, India. **Assistant Professor, Department of Shalakya Tantra, Hingulambhika Ayurvedic Medical College, Gulburga, Karnataka 585101, India.

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Background: Timira is one of the Dristigata roga, characterized by the avyakta rupa darshan (blurriness of vision). On the basis of clinical features, it can be compared with Simple myopia or short sightedness, a type of refractive error which affects the vision for distant. It is a common type of myopia which progresses during childhood and adolescence and seldom exceeds 5 to 6 D. Usual treatment for simple myopia is optical correction (spectacles or contact lenses) to restore distant vision. Spectacles are used to correct the error and to prevent the progression of the pathology. Wearing spectacles incorporate the less desirable cosmetic, convenience and optical disadvantages into the daily routine of myopia. Till now no medicine is invented to preserve the sight of patients affected with myopia and no surgical measure can be considered as fully safe and without side effects. In Ayurvedic classics, various treatment modalities like”Kriya kalpas” have been mentioned for the treatment of netra rogas including Timira. Drugs with Chakshushya properties are helpful in the management of timira that pacifies aggregated Doshas and help in visual improvement. The drugs selected for Anjana are Punaranavadi Anjana and Guduchyadi Anjana. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of Punarnavadi and Guduchyadi Anjana in the management of Prathama Patalagata Timira. Materials and Methods: In this study, the trial drugs used were Punarnavadi and Guduchyadi Anjana. A total 40 patients of Timira were selected from outpatient department and inpatient department of Shalakya Tantra Department and allotted randomly in two groups. Group A- In this group 20 patients treated with Punarnavadi Anjana, and in Group B- 20 patients treated with Guduchyadi Anjana. One vidanga pramana of Anjana is applied from kaninika sandhi to apanga sandhi once daily for 60 days in the evening and follow up for every 15 days. Effect of therapy on chief complaint i.e., blurred vision of Group A was 60% relief, while in Group B 80% relief was found. Conclusion: Both Punarnavadi anjana and Guduchyadi anjana in the treatment of Timira were equally effective and statistically significant. Guduchyadi anjana when compared to Punarnavadi anjana showed better improvement clinically.


Keywords: Timira; Simple Myopia; Punaranavadi Anjana and Guduchyadi Anjana. 

Corresponding Author : Vijaykumar S. Kotrannavar, Dean for P.G. Studies & Professor in PG department of Rasashastra & BK, Shri J.G.C.H.S. Ayurvedic Medical College, Ghataprabha, Dist-Belgaum, Karnataka 591321, India.