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RFP Journal of Dermatology

Volume  1, Issue 2, July - December 2016, Pages 69-72

Case Report

Collagen and Dermal Extract Scaffold: A Novel Cover for Burn Wounds Following Tangential Excision

Babu P.*, Chittoria R.K.**, Sandhya Pandey*, Sudhanva H.K.*, Senthil Kumaran M.*, Mohapatra D.P.***, Friji M.T.***, Dinesh K.S.***

*Senior Resident, **Head, ***Associate Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) Pondicherry, India-605006.

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 Tangential excision and immediate cover of the wound with split skin graft forms the gold standard for treatment of deep burns. However split skin grafting has its own disadvantages. Donor area may not be available in patients with extensive burns. Split skin grafts contract, provide poor cosmetic appearance and functional outcome. Due to advances in biological and cellular engineering many substitutes have been developed. However most of these substitutes are expensive and may not be applicable for routine use in our population. In this article we have described a novel method for cover of wounds after tangential excision in the form of collagen and dermal extract scaffold. This scaffold is safe, easy to prepare, inexpensive and effective in the management of post tangential excision raw areas.

Keywords: Tangential excision; Dermal Extract Scaffold. 

Corresponding Author : Chittoria R.K.**