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RFP Journal of Dermatology

Volume  1, Issue 2, July - December 2016, Pages 41-47

Original Article

A Novel and Cost Effective Technique of Remote Monitoring of Burn Patients

Pandey S.*, Chittoria R.K.**, Mohapatra D.P.***, Friji M.T.***, Dinesh K.S.***

*Senior Resident, **Head ***Associate Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical, Education and Research (JIPMER) Pondicherry India-605006.

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 Management of burn patients is a challenging task because of involvement of multiple systems and high risk of complications. Acute major burns presents with significant physiological and metabolic changes and are associated with high risk of sudden, multiple organ failure. Early, timely and appropriate management of altered physiology based on intensive monitoring findings can significantly reduce burn morbidity and mortality. Another serious threat to these patients is burn wound infection due to compromised immunity, associated co morbidities, extreme ages, cross infection from patients or care givers, inappropriate infection control protocols etc. Hence effective intensive monitoring and simultaneously not breaching the barrier nursing practice can reduce burn related complications and improve outcomes. Usually for burn monitoring nursing staff or doctors comes frequently in contact with the patients, which increases chances of cross infection. Here with this article we would like to share the role of PTZ-IP camera as an effective technique in burn monitoring.

Keywords: Burn; Monitoring; PTZ-IP Camera. 

Corresponding Author : Chittoria R.K.**