Abstract Vicharchika (Eczema) is one of the skin disorder described in all ancient texts of Ayurveda. Sushruta described it as the Raktaja Vyadhi and the choice of treatment is Raktamokshana. The present study was carried out by two modalities of the Raktamokshana (bloodletting) i.e. Jalukavacharan and Siravyadha. In the first group the Raktamokshana was done with the help of Jalauka where Vicharchika was localized. In second group the Raktamokshana with the help of Siravyadha was conducted where Vicharchika was not localised rather found all over the body. The data from the ancient text related to the Ayurvedic concepts of Vicharchika and Raktamokshana were elaborately described in the study. All the concepts related to the eczema along with treatment and adverse effects were described in detail from the modern texts. Observations on the clinical study were mentioned in the table and graphical form where as results of two groups were drawn separately. Discussion was made on the basis of observations and effect of Raktamokshana in Vicharchika. Total 54 patients were treated, in which Raktamokshana was done by Jalauka in 34 patients and Siravyadha was done in 20 patients. Out of 34 patients treated with application of Jalauka, 28 patients (82.35%) were cured completely where as 6 patients (17.64%) were improved. Out of 20 patients treated by Siravyadha, 14 patients (70%) were cured and 6 patients (30%) improved. Overall result found that, Jalauka had 82.35 % cure rate where as Siravyadha brings 70% cure rate. Finally it was found that in both groups the effect of Raktamokshana in Vicharchika was significant. Lastly it had been concluded that the Raktamokshana had very good effects in Vicharchika without any adverse effect and recurrence.
KEY WORDS: Bloodletting, Eczema, Jalauka, Raktamokshana, Siravyadha, Vicharchika