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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  2, Issue 3, July - September 2009, Pages 145-155

Case Report

Effect of Kshara-Karma in Parikartika (Acute Fissure in Ano)

T. S. Dudhamal, Chaturbhuja Bhuyan, S. K. Gupta, Surinder Jaiswara

*Lecturer, ** Professor & Head, *** Reader Dept.of Shalyatantra, I.P.G.T. & R.A., Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar.**** M.S. (Gopabandhu Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Puri, Orissa)

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 The commonest ailments in ano rectal region are Arsha (piles), Bhangadar (fistula in ano), Parikartika (Fissure in ano), Gudakandu (pruritus ani) and Guda vidradhi (abscess), etc. As per classics Parikartika is a vyapad (complication) due to Basti and Virechan karma. It is mostly situated at the midline posterior of anus and very painful condition. As per massive and random study of the Indian proctology Society the prevalence rate of anal fissure may be more than 20% of ano rectal disorders, but it varies region to region from 15-30%. To treat Parikartika conservative & surgical interventions are available but those are having disadvantages and recurrence. In order to explore some new intervention the study had been carried out to achieve satisfactory & radical cure by Ksharakarma. Kshara has different properties as krimighna, vishaghna, chhedan, Bhedan, Lekhan, shodhan, stambhan, ropan, etc. and it has also capability of allying doshas -Vata, Pitta & Kapha. In this study mridu Kshara of Apamarga was used in the forms of Lepa and Tail in acute condition of anal fissure. Total 30 patients were divided into three groups, in group AKshara Lepa, in group B- Kshara Taila and in group C- Both Taila and Lepa were used. The local application of those Kshara form were done up to two weeks. The findings were noted after 7th and 14th days of treatment and assessment of the results was done. After completion of 7 days treatment of local application in ABC group, it was observed up to 40% of relief in average but after completion of 14 days it was seen that the results were above 80% in A & C group where as in Group B it was above 90%. Statistically the results in all the groups were found highly significant without any adverse effect and recurrence. The follow up period was for 3 months. It was concluded that in acute condition of the Parikartika Kshara was very effective.

KEY WORDS: Basti, Fissure in ano, Parikartiaka, Kshara, Lepa, Tail, Virechan.

Corresponding Author : T. S. Dudhamal