Abstract Urolithiasis or kidney stone is formation of urinary calculi at any level of urinary tracts. It is stimated that 12% world population experiences renal stone disease with a recurrence rate of 70- 0% in male & 47-60% in female. Pediatric urolithiasis is an important kidney disorder encountered in clinical practice. There has been considerable regional variability in the reported incidences of urolithiasis. Various treatment mentioned prior to surgical intervention, one such formulation is varunadi ghrita .Many herbs were also explained for the management of stones such as (Gokshur,Varun,Pashanbheda,Kulatha) etc.In present study combination of varunadi grita & proprietary medicine prepared of herbs along with congenial diet helped relieve the stone in child.
Keywords: Mutrashmari; Varunadi Ghrita; Neeri; Pediatric; Gokshur.