Abstract The study was carried out to find an effective, economical Ayurvedic treatment free from side effects for burning problem of Arsha (hemorrhoids). In this research work, local application of Kshara i.e. Pratisaraniya Kshara was selected as treatment modality in patients suffering from Arsha and an attempt to elaborate the concepts of Arsha and its management by Ksharkarma procedure is made. In this study, all patients having the features of primary hemorrhoids were selected and divided into two groups of each comprising 10 patients. First group was treated with Palasha Kshara (Butea frondosa) & another group with Kutaja Kshara (Holarrhena Antidysenterica). Ksharpatankarma was done every day and the results were assessed thoroughly on the basis of observations for 7 days. As per Ayurvedic classics, Palasha & Kutaja have the properties of Kshara to treat Arsha. The Ksharas were prepared with aforesaid drugs separately under closed scientific supervision. The research work was planned as conceptual study, drug review, application of Kshara, pre & post operative management, observations, criteria for assessment & results. It is concluded that the application of Palasha & Kutaja Kshara showed significant improvement over all in 1st & 2nd degree of piles.
Key Words: Arsha, Hemorrhoids, Kshara, Ksharpatankarma, Kutaja, Palasha, Pratisaraniya.