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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  17, Issue 3, July - Sept. 2024, Pages 119-123

Original Article

Clinical Comparative Study in Management of Ubhay Pada Shoth with Shoth-har Mahakashaya & Punarnvastak Kashaya in Old age Patients: A Pilot Study

Ankur Singhal1, Sunil A. Bhaskare2

1Professor, Department of   Kayachikitsa, Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College &  Hospital, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, 2Associate Professor,
Department of Kayachikitsa, R.A. Podar Ayurved  Medical College, Mumbai 400018, Maharashtra, India.

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Health & disease are the two faces of a coin. The concept is to aid human beings to    provide healthy life and to prevent diseases.
Lifestyle diseases are on the rise due to innumerable factors. Pedal edema is one of   the common problems in middle and old-age persons. According to sign and symptoms   of edema it can be correlated to Shoph or Shoth according to equivalent symptoms
mentioned in the relevant literature. Pedal edema is a common clinical condition which  can be found in any age group or socio-economic class in society but it is commonly  seen in females of old women. Ayurvedic management measures appear to be more
satisfactory and promising due to their holistic and totalistic approach. Punarnava is   a well-known shoth-har drug that is commonly used in clinical practice. But Punarnva  has not been mentioned in soth-har gana. Soth-har gana includes Dashmool Dravya. So in
this study, the effect of Shoth-har Mahakashya and Punarnvastak Kwath has been assessed    in managing Pada Shotha in old age patients. A total of 10 patients of Pada Shoth were  randomly selected from Kayachikitsa OPD at SAMC & H, Aligarh, divided into two  groups for the study. The study duration was 2 weeks and it was found that Punarnvastak  Kwath gave better results in the first week but Shoth-har Mahakashaya was better for long-term use in relieving the symptoms.

Keywords : Shoth; Punarnvastak Kwath Dashmool Kwath; Shoth-har Mahakashaya.
Corresponding Author : Sunil A. Bhaskare,