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RFP Journal of Hospital Administration

Volume  8, Issue 1, January – June 2024, Pages 19-28

Original Article

Acceptance of Hospital Information Management to Improve the Quality of Healthcare in a Teaching Dental Hospital of Visakhapatnam City: A Mixed-Method Study

RVSSK Kinneresh1, L Vamsi Krishna Reddy2, P Swathi3, B Suma Priyanka4, K Rashmika5, Ranjitha Veeramachaneni6

1Senior Resident, Department of  Public Health Dentistry, Government Dental College &  Hospital, Visakhapatnam 530045, Andhra Pradesh, 2Professor and head, 3Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Anil Neerukonda Institute of Dental Sciences, Visakhapatnam 531162, Andhra Pradesh, 4Assistant Professor,  5Public Health Dentist, 6Private Practioneer, Department of
Public Health Dentistry, GITAM Dental College and Hospital,&nb

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A health information management system (HIMS) has a set of components (technical,  organizational, behavioral) and procedures “organized to generate information to improve  health management decisions at all levels of the health system” and also for decision-making   process in hospital. Engaging clinicians and other hospital personnel, including nurses, as  wellas providing strong institutional support, is critical to the successful implementation and  operation of a HIMS in hospitals.  Aim: To assess the acceptance of a hospital information system to improve healthcare quality in a  teaching hospital of Visakhapatnam city.
Methodology:  An Institution-based mixed-method study both quantitative and qualitative data collection   methods was conducted at Teaching Hospital of Visakhapatnam city for duration of 3 months.   A total sample of 80 health care workers (HCWs) working in Teaching Hospital, who were  managing administrative hospital staff, heading sub-process, departments, and nurses were
enrolled in the present study.   Results:  Most (38.40%) of our participants belonged to the age group of 25–35 years. The majority
(45.60%) of them were females. The majority (69.70%) of them had bachelor’s degrees and 65%   had work experience from 0-5 years.

Keywords : Hospital Information Management; HIMS; Mixed-method; Quality of Healthcare; Acceptance.
Corresponding Author : RVSSK Kinneresh