AbstractA health information management system (HIMS) has a set of components (technical, organizational, behavioral) and procedures “organized to generate information to improve health management decisions at all levels of the health system” and also for decision-making process in hospital. Engaging clinicians and other hospital personnel, including nurses, as wellas providing strong institutional support, is critical to the successful implementation and operation of a HIMS in hospitals. Aim: To assess the acceptance of a hospital information system to improve healthcare quality in a teaching hospital of Visakhapatnam city.
Methodology: An Institution-based mixed-method study both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods was conducted at Teaching Hospital of Visakhapatnam city for duration of 3 months. A total sample of 80 health care workers (HCWs) working in Teaching Hospital, who were managing administrative hospital staff, heading sub-process, departments, and nurses were
enrolled in the present study. Results: Most (38.40%) of our participants belonged to the age group of 25–35 years. The majority
(45.60%) of them were females. The majority (69.70%) of them had bachelor’s degrees and 65% had work experience from 0-5 years.