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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  17, Issue 2, April - June 2024, Pages 87-89

Original Article

Interpretation of time for Kshara Pratisaran W.S.R. Sushruta Samhita: A Brief Exploration

Yogeshkumar R. Meghani1 , T. S. Dudhamal2

1 Lecturer, 2 Professor, Department of Salya Tantra, Institute of Teaching & Research in  Ayurveda, Jamnagar 361008, Gujarat, India.

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In Ayurveda, all para-surgical procedures are famed due to their clinical evident approaches.
The para surgical procedures mainly described are Ksharakarma, Agnikarma and different kinds
of Raktamokshana. Among them, Kshara is claimed to be very superior by Acharya Sushruta due
to its indigenous properties. It is also being used since era in various kind of surgical and nonsurgical disease conditions in general and perianal diseases in particulars. Local application of Kshara (alkali) mentioned as Pratisaraniya Kshara by Acharya with its usage as local application is to be in defined time limit. This exact time is Vakashatmatra as mentioned in classics. But it is not confirmed what exact time in the seconds or minute as per present era. Now a day, most of surgeons make interpretation as a one second as a one vaka-matra. But definitive references for this interpretation is not available till date. So, this short communication will be helpful for
analysis of time given for Kshara-Pratisaran and will define “Vakshatmatra” as per recent time unit
i.e. in seconds or in minutes.

Keywords : Ano-rectal diseases; Kshara-pratisaran; Time duration; Vakashatmatra.
Corresponding Author : Yogeshkumar R. Meghani