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Indian Journal of Legal Medicine

Volume  3, Issue 1-2, January - December 2022, Pages 07-13

Original Article

Principles of Digit Replantation

Barath Kumar1, Ravi Kumar Chittoria2

1Senior Resident, 2Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research Pondicherry 605006, India

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Amputations of the fingers are common life altering injuries encountered in the casualty. They can result from a variety of injuries, but they are most commonly caused by power tools or machines in the workplace. Surgeons have been able to successfully reattach fingers that have been amputated at the level of damage using modern micro vascular surgical techniques. In this article we will discuss about the principles of digit replantation.

Keywords : Principles; Digit replantation; Amputations.
Corresponding Author : Ravi Kumar Chittoria