AbstractThere are many drug doses forms for drug delivery systems are available in Ayurvedic classics, Snehapaka is one among these pharmaceutical process. It is a method of preparation of medicated sneha (ghee or oil) and depending on stage of preparation, it is of three types. Among these the madhyama paka sneha are used to administer orally. When this snehapaka is done repeatedly with drava dravya (decoction, milk etc.) and kalka (paste) the process is called Avartana. Depending on the number of process the formulations named as shatapaki and sahsrapaki. This avartana process was generated to potentiate the formulation which was used from Samhita period to minimize dose, for easy consumption and assimilation of the medicine. This article aims to review on unique method of sneha preparation (Avartana) in different contexts of Ayurveda.
Keywords: Snehapaka; Avartana; Shatapaki; Sahasrapaki.