AbstractManagement of the wound probably would have been the first medico-surgical problem faced by physicians. Around 235 research works have been carried out at the different institutions throughout India till date on Vranaropan (wound healing) which is an integral part of the tissue healing. Major works are carried out at Government Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore followed by Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and Institute for Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda at Jamnagar. Around 87 single drug and 139 compound preparations have been studied. 203 exclusive clinical works were done, 24 experimental studies and only 07 clinico-experimental studies were reported. Compound preparations with Ghrita (Ghee based preparations) and Taila (Oil based preparations) were preferred among different formulations used. Maximum works were conducted on Dushtavrana (Infected/Chronic wound) as it implies more problems to achieve the goal of healing. Apart from many works done in this regard, still there is a lot of scope felt by the scholars to find out and establish a suitable wound healer from the treasure of the ancient literatures. This review works have been carried out to give the glimpses of works done at different institutions of India most of them are unpublished.
Keywords: Vranaropan; Dushtavrana; Shuddhavrana; Wound; Healing.