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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  6, Issue 3, July - September 2013, Pages 99-104

Original Article

Effect of Rasayana Formulation on Physical Performance and Certain Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Ageing Patients

Samarakoon S.M.S, Hearapathdeniya S.K.M.K, Chandola H.M

*Head­Dept. of Ayurveda Basic Principles, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Yakkala, SriLanka, **Head­Dept. of Dravyagunavignana, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya, ***Head­Dept.

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Ageing is a natural phenomenon, which had been accepted since long in Ayurveda, but being realized by modern gerontologists only since recent past. Rate of ageing is determined by one’s biological, social, life style and psychological conditions and adversity of which leads to accelerated form of ageing, which is termed as akalaja jara in Ayurveda. The aims of the present study was to evaluate the classical formulation Amalakayas Rasayana on selected subjective as well as objective parameters and to assess overall out come on quality of life in premature ageing patients. Results showed that AR improved physical capacity in premature ageing to a significant level. AR improves most of the health parameters. The improvement in walking time, hand grip power, foot pressure, short term memory, long term memory and breathholding time and skin wrinkling time are highly significant (p<0.001). AR reduced mean systolic B.P (5.39%) in statistically significant manner (p<0.01), whereas decreased diastolic B.P (11.46%), pulse rate (14.7%), mean pressure (7.16%), and rate pressure (6.54%) in highly significant manner (p<0.001). Most haematological and biochemical parameters are changed with in physiological range. AR increased PCV (1.15%), hemoglobin (1.09%) and Neutrophil (5.03%) in statistically significant manner (p<0.01), while decreased ESR (5.61%) in significant manner (p<0.01). AR increases the parameters of liver function tests mentioned bellow, they were within physiological limit. The increase of total protein (3.45%), albumin (3.22%) and globulin (3.83%) is statistically highly significant (p<0.001), Therefore, AR is rasayana in the true sense and may be an effective medicine in improving physical activity in ageing patients.

Keywords: Amalakayas rasayana; Health parameters; Physical exertion test; Liver function test.

Corresponding Author : Samarakoon S.M.S