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RFP Journal of Dermatology

Volume  5, Issue 1, January-June 2020, Pages 17-21

Case Report

Lichen Planopilaris Presenting with Different Morphologies: 3 Case Reports

Rochit Singhal, Dhruv Patel, Jinal Tandel, Pragya A Nair

1Senior Resident, 22nd Year Resident, 31st Year Resident, 4Professor, Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Pramukshwami Medical College, Karamsad, Gujarat 388325, India.

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Lichen planopilaris is a primary cicatricial alopecia involving hair follicles
with a lymphocytic inflammatory process destroying the follicles. Clinically it presents with grouped keratotic follicular papules surrounded by erythema. It is classified as classic LPP, frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA), and Lassueur Graham-Little Piccardi syndrome. Pseudopelade of Brocq (PPB), can be considered as end-stage LPP which leaves clinical appearance of “footprints in the snow” appearance. Scarring alopecia represents a challenge to patients as well as treating dermatologist where early diagnosis is essential as treatment is difficult in late stage disease. Dermatoscopy accompanied by biopsy is indicated in such cases to start the treatment at the earliest. Three cases of lichen planopilaris with different morphologies is presented here.

Keywords: Lichen Planopilaris; Scarring Alopecia; Pseudopelade of Brocq.

Corresponding Author : Pragya A Nair