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RFP Journal of ENT and Allied Sciences

Volume  7, Issue 1, January-June 2022, Pages 13-21

Original Article

Comparison of Frequency Specific Hearing Thresholds Between Pure Tone Audiometry and Auditory Steady State Response

Ripal Barot 1 , Swathi A 2 , Neeta Sharma 3 , Prachi Mene 4 , Ashwin Ashok Jaiswal 5 , Adarsh A S 6

1,2,6Resident, 3 Head of Department, 4,5Chief Consultant, Department of ENT & Head Neck Surgery, J.L.N. Hospital & Research Centre, Bhilai 490006, Chhatisgarh, India.

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Hearing is one of the fundamental senses. It connects individual to the outside world, through communicate in a way that none of the other senses can achieve. Pure tone audiometry and auditory steady state response are audiological tests to evaluate hearing thresholds on an individual enabling in determination of the degree, type and configuration of hearing loss. At present, Pure tone audiometry (PTA) is the gold standard for the evaluation of hearing levels. Audiometers are used to make quantitative measurements of pure-tone air and bone conduction thresholds. However, it is not possible to obtain reliable thresholds with PTA in all patients.1,2

 Auditory steady state response (ASSR) testing is a newly developed measurement of auditory evoked potentials it can be used to objectively for predicting frequency specific hearing thresholds. ASSR measurements also detects automatic response and that feature is attractive in that it avoids problems associated with the experience and expertise of the observer3

Result: Among the 51 patients we found out very strong correlation between PTA and ASSR measurements at all the four frequencies were found between Normal and SNHL groups. However, in CHL group, there was no correlation between PTA and ASSR measurements at 500 Hz and 1000 Hz.

Conclusion: ASSR was able to detect thresholds at about 5 dB higher than that of PTA in both the ears in normal hearing patients at all frequencies.We conclude that ASSR testing can be an excellent complement to other diagnostic methods to serve as a valuable tool in the determination of hearing thresholds

Keywords: PTA; ASSR; Audiological Test; Hearing Loss; SNHL; CHL.

Corresponding Author : A. Swathi