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Urology, Nephrology and Andrology International

Volume  3, Issue 2, July-Dcember 2018, Pages 29-36

Original Article

The Cause, Modes of Presentation, Investigations and Initial Management Procedures in Urethral Stricture Disease

Prasad HL1, Nagamallesh CS2

1Assistant Professor, Department of Urology, 2Post Graduate Student, Department of General Surgery, Mysore Medical College & Research Institute, Mysuru, Karnataka 570001, India.

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Background: Stricture and fibrosis is the result of wound healing by chronic inflammation resulting in the formation
of scar. Stricture Urethra patients have varied clinical presentations from Irritative to Voiding lower urinary tract
symptoms (LUTS). The present study was undertaken to record the investigations and initial management of urethral
structure disease. Materials and Methods: It is a non - randomized prospective studyconducted in 50 Men with a
diagnosis of Urethral stricture disease, who underwent Urethroplasty (n=25), VIU (n=25). Pre-operative symptom
assessment and investigations were done and treatment outcomes such as Subjective assessment, Objective tests
and complications were studied. Statistical Analysis: Chi square test, Cramer’s V test, Repeated Measures ANOVA
was the tests used for statistical analysis of data using SPSS software. Result & Discussion: The most common
cause of urethral stricture is external trauma (32%) and in Group 2, most common cause is Iatrogenic (48%). This
did not show any statistically significant (p=0.591) difference when Cramer’s V test for symmetric measures was performed (p=0.505 and p=0.591 respectively). VIU as a treatment option for patients with short-segment bulbar strictures has a success rate of ~ 60%, with the emaining requiring a secondary procedure within 6 months. 

Keywords: Urethral stricture disease; Visual Internal urethrotomy; Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans; Membranous Urethral Stricture; Buccal Mucosa Graft Urethroplasty.

Corresponding Author : Prasad H.L