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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  2, Issue 2, April - June 2009, Pages 77-80

Review Article

Case-Based Computer Assisted Learning in Prosthodontics

Deshpande Saee S., Sarin Soumil P.

*M.D.S., Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, VSPM's Dental College & Hospital, Nagpur. **M.D.S., Senior Resident, Department of Prosthodontics, Post-Graduate Institute, Chandigarh

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 The partially edentulous adult offers a unique and problem-rich resource as a basis for a casebased learning scenario in clinical dentistry in the field of planning oral rehabilitation. However, there is little resource material available to help students negotiate the territory between diagnosis and treatment options of discrete conditions and treatment sequencing once decisions have been made. To address the educational void surrounding the teaching and learning of oral rehabilitation strategies, the author has developed a CD-ROM 'Interactive Learning In Prosthodontics: Decision Making In The Oral Rehabilitation Of The Partially & Completely Edentulous Adult'. The disc emphasises the distinction between 'doing' and 'planning to do' in the decision-making process. After using the disc the students should be able to apply a generic framework to formulate a custom oral rehabilitation plan for their own patient. The disc was evaluated by final-year students & interns from the Dept of Prosthodontics, VSPM's Dental College & Research Centre, Nagpur. Response to the program was essentially positive and comments from students have impacted on further development.

Keywords: prosthodontics, educational software, case assisted learning

Corresponding Author : Deshpande Saee S.