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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  2, Issue 1, January - March 2009, Pages 39-41

Review Article

Papillon Lefevre Syndrome: A Case Report

*Passi Sidhi, **Pandit Inder K, ***Mehta Vidhi, ****Agnihotri Archna, *****Rohtagi Sumidha, ******Bansal Pankaj

*Sr.Lecturer, Dept. of Pedodontics, Dr. H.S.J.I.D.S, PU Dental College, Chandigarh, **Prof & Head, PG Dept. of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, D.A.V. (C) Dental College & Hospital, Yamuna Nagar–135001, Haryana, *** Prof & Head, PG Dept. of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, D.A.V. (C) Dental College & Hospital, Yamuna Nagar–135001, Haryana,**** Senior Registrar, MAX Hospital, New Delhi, ***** Sr.Lecturer, Dept. of Pedodontics, Dr. H.S.J.I.D.S, PU Dental College, Chandigarh ******Sr.Lect

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Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome (PLS) is a rare autosomal recessive trait, which is transmitted with an estimated frequency of one to four per million individuals. It is characterized by palmar plantar keratosis and severe early-onset periodontitis affecting both deciduous and permanent dentition. In this report, we present a five year-old male child patient with symptoms typical of Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome.He had hyperkeratosis of palms, soles, elbows and knees. The mandibular deciduous molars of the child exhibited mobility.

Keywords: Palmar plantar keratosis, Periodontitis Papillon-Lefèvre Syndrome.

Corresponding Author : Sidhi Passi