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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  2, Issue 2, April - June 2009, Pages 109-115

Original Article

The role of samskara bhavana in the potentiation of the drug in terms of their chemical constituents

Bharat D. Kalsariya, B. J. Patgiri, P. K. Prajapati

*Lecturer, J. S. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & P. D. Patel Ayurved Hospital, Nadiad **Reader, ***Prof. & Head, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar-3

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 It is clear that each and every procedure is capable to produce some type of impact on drug by altering qualities of raw drug. Qualities altered to inherit by Samskaras, ultimately will give rise to various formulations and thus can produce different effects. Acharya Charaka says, to change the quality is known as Samskara i.e. qualitative alteration done for improvement, enhancement, modifications, decrease the bad effects etc. Bhavana is one type of Samskara. The potency of the single or compound drugs could be further potentiated by conducting the Bhavana process, using liquid media of the same drug or the drugs similar in potency. The main reason behind this is even a less quantity of a drug will exerts multiple action if it has undergone proper Bhavana. In Amalaki Rasayana, Churna of Amalaki is Bhavita by its own Swarasa for 21 times. So, active chemical constituents may increase. In this study, O.A.C., F.D.A.C., O.A.R., F.D.A.R. and O.A.R. (S) - water soluble extractive (42.64, 66.54, 66.19, 77.45 and 68.92%w/w respectively), methanol soluble extractive (33.51, 62.62, 54.16, 70.34 and 79.86% w/w respectively) and total phenolic content (14.4, 16.00, 24.40, 25.40 and 25.00%w/w respectively) were found.

Key words : Bhavana, Samskara, Ordinary Amalaki Churna (O.A.C.), Freeze Dried Amalaki Churna (F.D.A.C.), Ordinary Amalaki Rasayana (O.A.R.), Freeze Dried Amalaki Rasayana (F.D.A.R.)

Corresponding Author : Bharat D. Kalsariya