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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  6, Issue 3, July - September 2013, Pages 115-121

Original Article

Myths and Misconceptions of Sex and Sexuality: A Survey Report

Shivakumar S. Harti, B.S. Prasad

*Reader, Dept of Swasthavrittha, **Principal, KLE U Shri B M Kankanawadi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Belgaum, Karnataka, India.

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Knowledge about sexual and reproductive health has a critical impact on male sexual dysfunction. Myths like Loss of semen, less sexual desire, masturbation are the main causes for mental disorders.[1] With industrialization and urbanization, the anxiety about semen loss in the West diminished, and the same is likely to happen in southern Asia as well.[2] Hence in the present globalization scenario to know the prevalence of myths and misconceptions of sexual health, we undertook a survey in and around Belgaum, Karnataka, India. We performed a community based, crosssectional survey of 515 male students of randomly selected undergraduate colleges. We administered a pretested, structured questionnaire to assess the knowledge and attitude towards sexual and reproductive health. We generated knowledge and attitude scores from student responses and used chisquare to study the association of these scores with select predictor variable – rural and urban. Majority of the students (88.75% rural and 88.36% urban students) in our study sample had misconceptions about semen loss by masturbation and night emissions. We did not find any significant difference between urban and rural population. The lack in the knowledge of sexual and reproductive health in urban and rural students suggests the need for sexual health education and awareness. 

Keywords: Masturbation; Night emissions; Semen

Corresponding Author : Shivakumar S. Harti