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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  8, Issue 1, January-April 2019, Pages 5-8

Original Article

Assessment of Aggression, Exposure to Violence and Abuse among Street Children in Selected Shelter Homes of Hyderabad

Disney Sabatina1 Anumol Joseph2, Sister Mary Rappai

1M.Sc Nursing Student 2Assistant Professor, 3Associate Professor, Vijaymarie College of Nursing, Hyderabad, Telangana 500016, India

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 Introduction: Street children are often subjected to abuse and exploitation and they release their aggression through direct and indirect means. The investigators explored aggression, exposure to violence and abuse among street children residing in shelter homes. Methodology: A quantitative approach non-experimental descriptive research design was selected. The sample consisted of 60 street children residing in shelter homes. The data was collected by structured interview. A structured tool was developed by the investigator to assess aggression, exposure to violence and abuse. Results: 87% of street children were found to have severe aggression, 60% of street children had moderate exposure to violence and 86.6% of street children reportedly were victims of severe abuse. Conclusion: Street children should be counselled intermittently and provided opportunity to ventilate their pent up feelings so that prevention can be done at primordial level to prevent further complications.

Keywords: Street Children; Aggression; Abuse; Violence.

Corresponding Author : Anumol Joseph