Career Management of Employees: A Theoretical Overview
Nithya R, Anitha S,
1 Senior Research Fellow 2 Assistant Professor, Department of Personnel Management, Loyola College of Social Sciences, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695017, India.
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Career management is one of the functions of Human Resources department in the organizations. It is in fact a joined responsibility of the organization as well as the individual. Career management helps individuals to achieve success in their careers. There are basically two approaches in career management. Career management from the organizational point of view is called organizational career management. The career management from the individual point of view is called individual career management or career self- management. In order to survive in this dynamic and highly competitive environment, it is important to have an effective and apt policy to mold its employees career constantly. Individuals now a days prefer organizations that provide better opportunities to realize their career progression plans. Well defined career management practices helps in attracting and retaining competent and skillful employees in the organization for a longer period of time.
Keywords : career; career management; success; organizational career management; career self-management.
Corresponding Author : Nithya R., Senior Research Fellow, Department of Personnel Management, Loyola College of Social Sciences, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695017 , India.