AbstractPrimary Cooperative Bank can check each and every transation of society and member of the Banks and also Loan disbursement, loan recovery – Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Half yearly and yearly.
Investment Type: Bank and shares wise investment entries calculation of each investment of the member. Report – The report by the day book, cash book, simple balance sheet, groups balance sheet, trial balance sheet, profit and loss statement, trading account statement, NPA statement, DCBS (demand collection and balance statement) General Ledger, Balance List, Account Ledger.
a. Making administration, transparent and people orinted with means of administration reforms.
b. Specification in administration with the mean of information technology
c. Making the services available to the gross roote level.
d. Moderanazation in administration and providing satisfactory services.
e. Extended financial facilities and small finance banks and specific the cooperative banks to be the leading representative body of the cooperative finance sector.
Policy –
• First bank of its kind in the country to educate the membership and leadership
• To promote saving culture in rural and create access to loans.
• To maximise shareholders value.
• Social and cultural values oriented services, integrity.
• Concern for community, team work, costconciousness, customer satisfaction,
• Loan modules- short term and long term.
The co-operative banks in India play an important role in even today in rural financing. These are registered under the Co-operative Societies Act and also regulated by the RBI. They are governed by the “Banking regulation Act 1949” and Banking Laws (Co-operative societies) Act 1965.
Keywords: Formum; Investment; Agriculture; Co-Operation; Society.