AbstractIndia, for long remained as vertically frozen hierarchy of castes with differential levels of education and economic standing. Planning, in the post-independent India, tried to forge an egalitarian, secular, democratic society, by providing various measures of protective discrimination to the underprivileged, disadvantaged groups to catch up with the mainstream society. The dawn of 21st century has ushered in an era of sweeping changes even in a country like India, known for its multifarious, groups based on, language, caste, creed, and color. The forces of change swaying the world is that of Globalization, which while sweeping the developing countries, is forcing them to make structural adjustments to catch up with the pace and degree of modernization, with concomitants of liberalization, privatization to cope up with the new forces of change. Societies, loaded with various forms of inequalities are caught up in a dilemma of whether to remain committed to establishing egalitarian society to ensure social justice or to catch up with excellence to compete worldwide competition in the new economic world order based on market forces. The present paper examines the educational progress of Dalits in Higher education vis-à-vis the context of globalization enumerating their educational attainments, perceptions, attitudes. The paper also examines to what extent they are equipped to face changing scenario in education brought forth by Globalization.
Key Words: Disadvantaged, Globalization, Global Village, Global Mobility, Information, Communication Technology, Modernization