AbstractGlobally, intrapartum complications are a major contributor to adverse perinatal outcomes, including stillbirth, hypoxic–ischaemic brain injury and subsequent longer term disability. The major concern of the obstetrician is to monitor labor so as to deliver a baby who is active at birth and goes home with its mother without any interventions. Fetal distress is a state in which normal fetal function is deranged as to cause death or permanent injury in utero within a short time interval. Fetal distress is a syndrome complex of intrauterine fetal jeopardy and is a result of intrauterine fetal hypoxia. In this article, fetal distress causes, risk factors and management has been discussed. Importance of electronic fetal monitoring has been emphasized. The aim of fetal surveillance is to predict the potential adverse events by detecting warning signs and to undertake timely interventions to prevent fetal demise.