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International Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery

Volume  15, Issue 4, October-December 2023, Pages 114-116


Is Resection of Disc Necessary in Surgery for Spinal Degeneration?

Atul Goel

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The structure of the intervertebral disc with nucleus pulposus in the center and annulus fibrosus in the periphery simulates a car tire with the outer rubber rim and central air. Like the car tire, intervertebral  disc forms the seat of strength of the vertebral column and of entire body in general. Fluids, that include  disc, in general provides the basis of ‘weightlessness’ of the human form.1 Intervertebral disc is the center  of movements, of strength and of shape of the spinal column. Our articles mention that disc is the brain of  all movements.2 Even when no significant muscles focus their activity on the intervertebral disc, the disc regulates all spinal movements. Disc is like opera conductor who manages the entire orchestra without  holding any musical instrument in his hands. In the embryologic parlance, intervertebral disc comes first, and vertebral body comes much later. Accordingly, it may be only correct to use the term interdiscal body  than intervertebral disc.1,2

Corresponding Author : Atul Goel