AbstractWhen I was studying Homoeopathy (1986-1992), we found so many medicines in our homoeopathic materia medica on sleep patterns, sleep deprivation & sleep related indispositions. Currently, the sleep medicine has become the toast of the world of medicine & the current short communication helps the readers to have the taste of the toast through the homoeopathic approach.1,2,3
During my student days, we were taught one acronym to comprehend the sleep medicine or indisposition due to lack of adequate sleep in an individual. The acronym was for 5 medicines that apply to sleep medicine. The acronym was C3N2 meaning the names of the drugs which are ‘Causticum’, ‘Cocculus’, ‘Colchicum’, ‘Nux Vomica’ & ‘Nitric Acid’. These have become the torch bearers of sleep medicine in homoeopathic therapeutics currently.2,3
The current short communication touches upon the subject of sleep through its historical development to its modern shape. It discusses the homoeopathic approach towards sleep medicine. Finally, the short communication emphasizes upon integration of homoeopathy of AYUSH in the current NCD profile out of which sleep medicine is an active component. One of the ideas that the short communication banks upon is the integration of homoeopathy of AYUSH in the currently operational Ayushman Arogya Mandir (AAM), the successor of Health & Wellness Centers (HWC).4