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Indian Journal of Plant and Soil

Volume  10, Issue 2, July - December 2023, Pages 49-68

Original Article

Geoenvironmental Suitability Assessment of Three Agroecological Systems in India

Bhaskara Phaneendra Bhaskar

Principal Scientist, Regional Centre, Department of Soil Science, ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning, Amravati Road, Nagpur 440033, Maharashtra, India.

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The geo-environmental assessment is a prerequisite for adopting agro-ecological principles and achieving sustainable crop yields. We present three case studies from three agro-ecological regions. Pedological data sets were made and used to evaluate bio-physical parameters in Pulivendula tehsil in Kadapa, cotton producing Yavatmal district, and rice farming Majuli, Assam. According to the suitability assessment in pulivendula tehsil, 56091 ha are suitable for bananas under drip irrigation and 16364 ha are at high erosion risk. Cotton can be grown on 25 percent of total arable land in Yavatmal district, but 28.43 percent cannot be irrigated. Rice can be grown on 32% of Majuli island. However, there are limitations such as subsoil acidity, shallow ground water tables, poor organic carbon status, and low cation exchange capacity. Through land evaluation exercises, land resources can be harnessed using sustainable soil land management techniques. With the use of soil quality assessment and erosional status using USLE, the case studies shed light on region level biophysical constraints that affect productivity.

Keywords : Agroecology; Drip Irrigation; Geodiversity; Hydric Soils; Landforms; Shrink-S Well Soils; Semiarid Ecosystems; Soil-Site Suitability
Corresponding Author : Bhaskara Phaneendra Bhaskar,