AbstractCaste system in India is not a new phenomenon, the root of which can be found in the traditional society. Our constitution has offered some social, economic and political safe guards to the depressed sections of the society. In this study, an attempt has been made to examine the demographic and educational status of 400 Scheduled Castes households from Visakhapatnam and West Godavari Districts in Andhra Pradesh. In the case of sex ratio, Visakhapatnam has 973 females for thousand males and West Godavari has 1016 females for thousand males. The child marriages are prevalent in West Godavari than in Visakhapatnam District. In the case of literacy, the illiterate head of the households are more in West Godavari than in Visakhapatnam. Primary schools are located very near to the respondent’s houses in Visakhapatnam District where as in the case of West Godavari district the primary schools were located with in 0.5 Kms to the households. And majority of the sample households are consuming about 2400 calories per head per day in both the districts.
Key Words: Scheduled castes; Sex ratio; Depressed sections; Educational status; Literacy; Primary schools.