AbstractThe invention of fire and wheel were the two greatest inventions by earlier men. Later on it led to inventions like telegram, telephone, Computer etc. The advent of computer brought revolution in information technology sector, and now the world is in your hand within a click with help of Internet, the internet grown at a staggering rate. It’s become part and parcel of our social life. Due to the development of computer and internet system, people can access the information throughout the world. Today, no part of the world can remain unaccessed of human being. Computer civilization has made great significant changes in information sector. Due to development of private sector in communication systems one person who resides in interior area can access an institution, knowledge and job prospective within a second. The purpose of information technology law is free flow of information with reasonable restrictions.1 Due to development information and technology, crimes have also increased. To check the cyber crime, IT laws have become essential.1 Why we need this is matter because Globalization brings opportunities with challenges and it’s our collective responsibility to tackle it, because changes to society and technology have increased the dangers associated with inadequate controls on processing activities. The use of computer technology and the ability to transfer and publish our life became easier but on another side it’s also create problems. Present paper focuses on cyber crime and globalization.