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Journal of Social Welfare and Management

Volume  5, Issue 1, January - March 2013, Pages 49-55

Review Article

Violence in Hindi Movies: A Comparative Study of Two Movies

Sonalee Nargunde, Iliyas Ahmad

*Professor, Devi Ahalivya Vishva Vidyaliya, Indore, **M.Phil. Student, Devi Ahalivya Vishva Vidyaliya, Indore.

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Cinema in India has developed to a large extent and movies are its significant tool. Movies not only provide entertainment to the large audiences but also play some additional roles. The message provided by this medium is more impactful than any other medium because of its reach and easy accessibility. The content provided by the Indian films plays an important role in shaping up its audience. After, reviewing some of the movies, the researcher found a consistent theme of violence in almost all the films and found it important to share it with larger audience. Indian film industry produces more than 800 films annually and almost story line of all the movies is weaved around love, revenge, mafia wars and all this is supported by heavy dose of violence. Critics say that the Indian cinema nowadays is churning out films with persistent theme of violence because of the transplantation of the western ideas resulting in the portrayal of extreme vulgarity on big screen. Film makers follow the steps of Hollywood where most of the movies are much more violent than the bollywood. Movies released in the last few years have seen a continuous increase in the portrayal of violence both in content and subject wise. 

Keywords: Film violence; Bollywood; Movies.  

Corresponding Author : Sonalee Nargunde