AbstractDevelopment is a multi-dimensional phenomenon. It depends on the level of education, level of health services, degree of modernization, status of women, level of nutrition, quality of housing, distribution of goods and services, access to communication etc. Socio-economic development is the need of each and every country especially developing nations like India[1] (Abhiman Das, 1999). But in India the progress of socio-economic development among major states like West Bengal is not uniform. The state has received a lot of critique for being too bureaucratic and thus too ineffective to be able to solve all public needs. This has resulted in an increased attention to the Non Government Organization. However, the increased attention has been followed by a greater pressure on the organizations to fill the shortcomings of private and public sector and they now have to face the demands on being able to show what they accomplish [2] (Jenny Larsson and Joan Kinnunen, 2007). In this backdrop, the present study has been undertaken to measure the financial performance of NGOs in West Bengal. For the said purpose, various accounting tools like ratio analysis and statistical techniques like descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, multiple regression and hypothesis testing have been used.
Keywords: NGOs; Working capital; Liquidity; Surplus; Fund employed; Receivables; Grants-in-aids.