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 Indian Journal of Library and Information Science
About the journal:

The Indian Journal of Library Sciences (IJLIS) provides comprehensive international publications on the science and technology of libraries and information. It presents peer-reviewed surveys and original research articles on specific fields such as new information technologies, education and training, human resources management, role changing libraries, future developments, opportunities, databases, cataloging, electronic publication, acquisition, collection development, management, archives, conservation, special collections, automation and cataloging. Its articles include letters to editors, book reviews, events calendars, conference reports, interviews, etc.

The Indian Journal of Library and Information Sciences is an academic and peer-reviewed and refereed journal.

Editor-in-Chief: Sanjay K Kaushik
Affiliation: No affiliated with any of the society/organization.

Scholars, professionals, practitioners, faculty, students in the field of library and information science

Circulation: 5789
Issues: Triannual times per year
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Clutter free and cost effective owing to our stringent policy that will not compromise on the sophisticated and professional attributes of the website.

  • Quarterly journal: Published in the months of March, June, September and December.
  • Try annual journal : Published in April,August and December.
  • Half yearly journal :Published in June and December.
  • Circulation : 5789 each issue.
  • Readership :

    Scholars, professionals, practitioners, faculty, students in the field of library and information science

  • Book size : Page size 8.5" x 11". Print size 7" x 10". Non-bleed only.
  • Paper used : 90 gsm Sinar Mas art paper text and 220 gsm Sinar Mas art card for cover.
  • Ad material : Advertiser to provide the ad material (artwork) either as a hard copy (Film and proof may be provided) or on a CD. The material should reach the RFP office 1 month before the cover date of the issue in which the ad is scheduled to appear.
  • Discount : A 10% discount will be allowed for 4 insertions in a year.
  • Further info : Our publisher will be happy to answer any technical queries. Please contact Red Flower Publication Pvt. Ltd. at
  • Full Banners to be supplied by the Advertiser
  • File type: GIF (animated or static)
  • File size: should not exceed 40 kb
  • Format: Not exceeding 600 pixels wide by 60 pixels high
  • Advertisements supplied remain the responsibility of the Advertiser.
  • Advertisements are accepted subject to availability and Journal approval.
  • Link to Advertiser's site can be given from the banner.
 Advertisement rates for - Print Journal/web publication

Note :
1. Discount for Vendors(%) : 40
2. Discount for Direct Client(%) : 20

Print Journal - Color Pages Last Updated : 28 Dec 2023
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Single Insertion
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Ad Location
Inside - Full Page 21000 1640.63 60000 4687.50
Inside - Half Page 12000 937.50 33000 2578.13
Front Inside Cover - Full Page 30000 2343.75 87000 6796.88
Back Inside Cover - Full Page 30000 2343.75 87000 6796.88
Back Cover - Full Page 41250 3222.66 120750 9433.59
Double Spread - 2 Full Pages 41250 3222.66 120750 9433.59
Print Journal - Black & white Pages
Position Single Insertion
(India - ₹)
Single Insertion
(Outside India - US$)
(Outside India- US$)
Ad Location
Inside - Full Page 9750 761.72 26250 2050.78
Digital Advertising
Position Per Insertion Per Month
(India - ₹)
Per Insertion Per Month
(Outside India - US$)
Ad Location
Leaderboard 30000 2343.75
Journal Page 21000 1640.63
Right Top Corner - Add Your Website Url 12000 937.50
Slider for Home Page 41250 3222.66

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