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Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volume  8, Issue 4, October- December 2020, Pages 259-261

Review Article

Vasa Previa: Review Article

Alka Patil1, Bhagyashree Badade2, Sayli Suhas Thavare3

1Professor and HOD, 2,3Junior Resident, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Annasaheb Chudaman Patil Memorial Medical College, Dhule, Maharashtra 424002, India.

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The umbilical cord is the fetal lifeline and is the vital link between the fetus and placenta. Various abnormalities are observed in morphology and pathology of placenta. Variations in umbilical morphometry leads to neonatal morbidity and mortality. Vasa previa is one of the insertion anomaly of umbilical cord. Antenatal diagnosis is possible using ultrasonography. Diagnosis of vasa previa should be confirmed with colour or power doppler demonstrating pulsatile flow with fetal vascular waveform pattern. Vasa previa is one of the rare cause of antepartum haemorrhage. What differentiates vasa previa from other etiological factors of antepartum haemorrhage is that bleeding is of fetal origin. Although a rare anomaly, Vasa previa has significant mortality rates and therefore should always be looked for with great precision in antenatal ultrasonography.

Keywords : Vasa previa; Antepartum haemorrhage; Fetus; Umbilical vessels.
Corresponding Author : Alka Patil