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Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health

Volume  1, Issue 2, July - December 2015, Pages 109-111


Patient Bills of Right

S. Elizabeth Jasmine, Indira. S

*Associate Professor in OBG Department, **Principal, Narayana College of Nursing, Nellore – 524003, Andhra Pradesh.

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 Effective health care requires collaboration between patients and physicians and other health care professionals. Open and honest communication, respect for personal and professional values and sensitivity to differences are integral to optimal patient care. As the setting for the provide of health services, hospitals must provide a foundation for understanding and respecting the rights and responsibilities of patients, their families, physicians, and other caregivers. Hospitals must ensure a health care ethic that respects the role of patients in decision making about treatment choices and other aspects of their care. Hospitals must be sensitive to cultural, racial, linguistic, religious, age, gender, and other differences as well as the needs of persons with disabilities.

Corresponding Author : S. Elizabeth Jasmine