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Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health

Volume  9, Issue 2, May-August 2023, Pages 51-55

Original Article

Comparison of Academic Achievements among Adolescents in Urban and Rural Schools

R. Sindhu Priya1, D. Anitha2, Mohana Priyaa3

1-3Clinical Instructor, Saveetha College of Nursing, Thandalam 602105, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

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Introduction: Education is vital for the healthy growth and development of one’s personality. In making the ‘being ‘human’ to produce: human beings” lies the importance of educating the teens. The parental involvement has a positive impact on the academic achievement and it is held true. No matter the race or ethnic group. The education to teen must aim at helping an individual to form a skill. Set and work upon it to develop expertise in the schools of his/her interest.

Methodology: Quantitative approach and descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the 200 people from the selected urban and rural schools at Puducherry.

Result: The result showed that the overall level of academic academic achievement among adolescents in urban school 43% were high achievers, 57% were moderate achievers and none of them was lower achievers. In rural adolescents 38 were high achievers, and 62% were moderate achievers and none of them lower achievers. So, the adolescents were involved with academic achievements they improve their studies. Academic achievements is important for the adolescents to involve to concentrate their studies.

Keywords : Keywords: Adolescent student; Academic Achievements; Urban and rural school.
Corresponding Author : D. Anitha, Clinical Instructor, Saveetha College of Nursing, Thandalam 602105, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.