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International Journal of Political Science

Volume  2, Issue 2, July - December 2016, Pages 89-95

Review Article

Governance Debate: Importance of Networks in Public Policy, Blending Public Sector and Private Resources to Promote Good Governance

Praveen Kumar K.*, Nagendra Ambedkar Sole**

*Research Scholar, Department of Public Policy, Law and Governance, **Dean, School of Social Sciences, Central University of Rajasthan, Bandar Sindri, Ajmer, Rajasthan.

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 This paper deals with the role of the State, and itsre­emergence after globalization. The concept of governance has progressed right from ancient civilization and it has come a long way from the traditional rule. As there has been increasing expectation on the state to solve the problems of the people.The failure of the state to respond to the demand placed upon it has opened new forms of governance.The success of the development programmes depends on the partnership with the other sectors. It includes decentralisation of powers of the State that is a gradual transfer of powers [2]; public ­private partnerships.It has taken up the responsibility of a facilitator. It also increased the scope for use of technology for the ease of governance.

Keywords: Participation; Governance; Networks; Technology

Corresponding Author : Praveen Kumar K.*